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Western Box Turtle

Daisy is a Colorado native box turtle that joined the team in 2014. No one knows how old she is because she has had multiple homes. When she came to us, she had scars where something had chewed on her and parts of some of the scutes were chipped off. She may also have had some shell rot. But at my house, she gets to live outside all summer in a nice grass yard, with a little turtle pool and pampas grass to burrow in. Since then, her scutes have grown back and the scars peeled off. She is very outgoing and curious. I tell people how box turtles can close themselves in their shells. But I can't show them, because she NEVER goes inside her shell, lol. She is a show off. Once she even got hired to take part in a commercial. The photographer said she was the most cooperative cast member she had! Unfortunately, her part got cut... it happens to all actors!


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